PTO Reimbursement Form


  1. Fill out completely with description of reimbursement and breakdown of expenses by budget category.
  2. Attach one file with copies of all receipts, preferably a PDF.
  3. Specify how you would like to be reimbursed, usually, a check will be mailed to your address. During the pandemic, we suggest a Zelle transfer. If you prefer this method, please provide your email or mobile number we should send the payment to.
  4. A receipt of your submitted request will be emailed to you (keep for your records)

Reimbursement Information

Expenses for Reimbursement

Please attach one file with copies of all receipts

Please attach additional receipts, if needed

Please attach additional receipts, if needed


Treasurer's Notes

(to be completed by the Treasurer)

Thank you for partnering with us. We appreciate your support. 

If you have any questions about this reimbursement, please contact the treasurers at